Are you a Goal Getter?

Today was largely a day of unpacking, regrouping, and reflecting.

I wasn’t much feeling like a go-getter after a long a day of flying and driving but I did start my new goal-getting workbooks today!

Before we left for the holidays, I ordered these little beauties to make the New Year bright.

The workbooks are written and designed by Leonie Dawson, an Aussie mompreneur and artist who teaches over 10,000 students a year online how to achieve their creative business goals.

I have taken a few of her courses and they are stupendous so I ordered these workbooks to give me some new inspiration.

I’m going through the life goal-getter workbook first because that’s the first priority at the moment. Business will get its due soon.

So far I’ve reflected on 2021 and started my creative goals (this blog is one of them).

I also spent some time with my business coach and mastermind today planning January and reflecting on the first 3 days of the New Year.

She asked our mastermind group to share the wins that have happened just since the beginning of the year and they were remarkable.

People had hired new staff, sold lots of training and courses, set boundaries with clients, and even found a new home.

Most remarkably, two people shared that the amount of money that they filled in on fictional blank check at the beginning of 2021 for came true to the penny by 2022!
So inspiring!

This is what happens when you set intentions that align with who you are. And It’s fun to be a goal-getter when your wishes come true!