International Cuisine

Right Here In Texas


So, on my way to Whole Foods tonight to pick up some food supplies while I’m at this conference, I learned all about Egyptian food from my Egyptian Lyft driver. He went on for 10 minutes straight!

I love talking to recent immigrants about food. They are so passionate about it! I even recorded him explaining his favorite Egyptian dishes, but I’m having trouble uploading it, so I’ll just say this … it sounds Mediterranean, but it’s got it’s own spin. Lots of lamb, onions, garlic, spices, and tomatoes.

On the way back, I took a ride with a Lyft driver from Nigeria. He talked about plantains and spicy, spicy food. He said he goes to an African market in Dallas to get groceries to cook with, and often visits an African restaurant when he’s busy. But … he said his favorite American food is …. chicken. What kind of chicken, exactly? Fried chicken. And wings! He waxed poetic about chicken for several minutes.

You can learn a lot about food by taking a Lyft.